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The content of the ArtifiTurf.com website is composed in English. Visitors who wish to translate the content may use the external third-party Translator App Tool available on ArtifiTurf.com website.

Anyone using the Translator App Tool for translation must understand that it may not give you an exact translation all the time, and the information has not been proofread by a fluent reader of the language. The Translator App Tool has attempted to provide an accurate translation of the original English material, but due to the nuances of translation into another language, slight differences may exist. Any reliance on this translation for information is at the risk of the user.  The Translator App Tool cannot translate all types of content, and an accurate or precise translation may not happen as an automated process is used to translate materials. The translations of any material into languages other than English are intended solely as a convenience to the non-English reading public and are not legally binding.

ArtifiTurf.com does not warrant or make any promises, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided by the Translator App Tool. ArtifiTurf.com shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or errors in the translation. Any damage or loss of any kind, including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage merging from or connected with the use of the Translator App Tool is not the responsibility of ArtifiTurf.com. Any differences or discrepancies created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.

Some files and other items may not translate, including but not limited to video content, graphics, graphical buttons, and images. Furthermore, some applications and/or services may not work as expected when translated.

The Translator App Tool has attempted to provide an accurate translation of the original English material, but due to the nuances of translation into another language, slight differences may exist.